So, the first semester of my college career has come to end, and I honestly don’t want Christmas Break to come. (That’s something I thought I never hear myself say.) This first semester alone has been so great and filled with meaning. I knew that before I came that I would like it, but it turns out that I like it more than I anticipated I would.

From day one I have made so many meaningful bonds made with so many people. From the guys on my floor to the faculty and staff. A thousand to one, Evangel is the best university to come to if you want to form meaningful bonds with other people. This picture only shows a few of the people I’m glad to call friends.
What are some things that happened in the first semester? I ran for class president, but I didn’t win. I became the freshman rep for S3N. A lot of the guys on my floor bought nerf guns and we had nerf wars every Thursday (Another thing I never thought I would do as a college student). We also played a month long game of tag, A.K.A The Hunt for Josh Cassell – memories were made. Lots of great conversations were held – mainly conversations were I was giving relationship advice. I became a meme. I texted a girl asking if she would like to hangout sometime, but I never got a text back (a failed attempt to asking her out, but it’s actually a pretty funny story).

So, here’s to the first semester! It has been a great one, and I can’t wait to start the second semester of my freshman year of college.
Of course I can’t end this post without writing about a lesson to be learned, so the lesson to be learned this time comes from ice. Ice? Yes, ice. So, as I was driving back home to Tennessee on Sunday I kept on seeing ice falling from power lines and trees and I thought about it for a minute. The ice has a goal to stick to the power lines and trees, but the circumstances change and the temperature increases which causes the ice to fall and break. Although the ice falls and breaks, it doesn’t end there. Soon the ice melts and becomes a part of the water cycle again. What am I saying? Just because life gets hot and you fall and break, doesn’t mean you can’t start again. One failure doesn’t define your ability to try again.
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